Learn the latest about Winston-Salem's Piedmont Triad Research Park – what’s happening in the north and south districts, what’s being built, what it will look like. Find out what’s going on downtown to create the vibrant “live, work, play” environment that attracts and retains high-level talent. Speakers include: Doug Edgeton – President, Piedmont Triad Research Park; Carol Strohecker – Director, Center for Design Innovation and future tenant of the Park’s South District; and Jason Thiel – President, Downtown Winston-Salem Partnership. June 9; 8:30 – 9:45 a.m.; networking and refreshments follow; Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts. Part of the Winston-Salem Chamber Tech Council’s Technology and Innovation Series. Title Sponsor: Cook Medical; Series Sponsors: BioNetwork, DataChambers, Wake Forest Baptist Health. Free, but registration required. Learn more and register.